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Sheridan Community Mural Photovoice

Exciting news! It is finally time to launch and promote the first phase of the Sheridan mural project with the Sheridan Community Mural Photovoice for the month of November. The South Platte Communities United coalition’s environment workgroup and We Make The Change youth leader board has been working diligently with our community partners in planning a Sheridan Community Mural Photovoice project. 


What is a Photovoice you might be wondering?

A Photovoice is most simply a photo with a caption. We know the old adage that “a picture is worth a thousand words”. With a Photovoice a person can submit a photo along with a short write-up (maybe a paragraph at most) that addresses a question posed. The pictures can then be collected and shared along with the comments to demonstrate how a group may answer a question and discover themes. For our project, the Photovoice is looking to find areas of improvement in the community where we can then place a youth-led mural come the spring of 2021.


Sheridan Mural Photovoice project timeline

Phase 1: Photovoice project (month of November)

Phase 2: Sheridan Virtual Community Fall Form ( December 2nd being offered at 11-noon and 5-6 pm via Zoom)

Phase 3: Youth workshops and painting the mural (February – May)

  If you have any questions regarding this first phase, please do not hesitate to reach out. More information can also be found at