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Voice Recognition



To report an absence, please call and leave a message at the following number:  





Research shows that regular attendance at school has a DRAMATIC impact on student progress.  During the school year, the Alice Terry staff will be tracking student attendance on a daily basis.  We are asking for your help in ensuring your student is at school ALL DAY – EVERY DAY. 

It is our hope to partner with families to make regular attendance possible for EVERY STUDENT. Thank you for being an advocate for your child and a partner in their success. Together, we WILL create a place where EVERY child is successful.

Excused absences include only the following:

  • Personal illness, injury, or appointment with a medical doctor (according to absence guidelines)
  • Death in the immediate family
  • Required court appearance
  • Absence pre-approved by the principal
  • An absence approved by the principal after the absence due to extenuating circumstances
  • Suspension

Attendance Policy:

  • Students who are absent must be called in by a parent or guardian by 8:30am to the attendance line: 720-833-6660.  THIS IS TO REPORT WHERE THE STUDENT IS DURING SCHOOL HOURS.
  • Students should attend school every school day unless they are too sick to attend.  Students who have vomited or have diarrhea two or more times in the last 24 hours must remain at home until 24 hours following the last occurrence of vomit or diarrhea.  Students who have a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above should not attend school until 24 hours after your child’s temperature returns to normal (typically 98.6 degrees) without the use of medication.  
  • Health conditions that require a student to stay home must be documented by a doctor’s note indicating that the student is under their care and that they should not attend school. 
  • Absences for appointments and other reasons should be avoided as much as possible.  
  • Excessive tardiness and/or early pick-ups will be considered an absence: every 3=1 absence.

Please review the Sheridan School District attendance policies and procedures and talk about the importance of daily attendance with your child.


Extended Absences (3 days or Longer)

We understand that sometimes our students need to be out for an extended period of time. In order to make sure that your child does not fall behind in their studies, we ask that if you know your child will be out for 3 days or longer, to please fill out an 'Extended Absence' form at least 72 hours prior to the first day of absence (this gives us time to let your child's teacher know so that they can gather school work for them to complete during their absence). It will then be forwarded to the Principal to approve.

This form can be accessed in the link below. A copy can also be picked up in the main office Monday-Friday 8:00 am- 4:30 pm (excluding holidays and school breaks). 

Parent Pick Up/Drop Off

To ensure our students, staff and community are safe, Alice Terry Elementary has created the the following friendly reminders about daily drop offs and pick ups.