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Voice Recognition

Registration and Enrollment

Registration forms and requirements differ depending on student status (new or returning) and if they are in/out of Sheridan School District.  

Los formularios y requisitos difieren dependiendo en el estatus del estudiante (nuevo o regresando) y si estan adentro o fuera del distrito.  



Returning Students Click Here for Online Registration



ALL New Students - TODOS Estudiantes Nuevos
  • Birth Certificate - Acta de Nacimiento
  • Proof of Address (current utility bill or lease contract) - Comprobante de Domicillio (factura de luz o contrato de renta)
  • Immunization Record - Cartilla de Vacunaciones
New Students OUT of District must also provide:
Estudiantes Nuevo FUERA del Distrito tambien deben proveer:
  • Transcripts/Grade Card - Comprobante Académico
  • Attendance - Asistencia 
  • Behavior Record - Reporte de Conducta 
For questions, please call our Registrar at (720) 833-6767.