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Voice Recognition

Culturally Responsive Education

Culturally Responsive Education 

Culturally Responsive Education (CRE) is rigorous and standards-based content instruction with intentional planning and supports for academic language, which is beneficial for all students and critical for English learners, students of poverty, and students of color. CRE facilitates the successful learning of academic content and skills in all content areas, including language arts, math, science, social studies, and electives, and SERVEs students throughout the entire day.

Seal of BiliteracyThe Sheridan School District Seal of Biliteracy is an award for high school graduating students who can show advance proficiency (college level) in at least one world language while showing college ready proficiency in English.

Students who have received a Seal of Biliteracy are more desirable to employers across all industries surveyed. Sixty-six percent of employers responded that they would prefer a bilingual employee over a mono-lingual English speaker and that students who earned a Seal will have an advantage in the hiring process. 

Colleges and universities have also recognized the seal when making admissions decisions and even when awarding credit for foreign language coursework.

Preparing for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online: Speaking online is not a natural skill for our K-12 students, and keyboarding is a new skill for our younger learners. Our English Learners will need plenty of opportunities to respond to online Speaking and Writing tasks before taking ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 in order for them to be able to show their full speaking and writing abilities. It is strongly recommended that technology be integrated into both Dedicated English Language Development (Dedicated ELD) instruction and Integrated Content and Language Development (Integrated CLD) instruction strategically and consistently in order to prepare for this new testing platform.

Designated English Language Development (ELD) 

Designated ELD is a protected time during the regular school day when teachers provide lessons for our emerging bilingual students to support the development of their English language in 4 domains, reading, writing, speaking and listening. he following 5 elements of effective ELD delineate the instructional emphases in a Dedicated ELD classroom, and can be remembered by the acronym LAMPS. Think of LAMPS as the way we shed light on the elusive English Language Development that is crucial for instruction with English Learners.


=      Language Instruction

=      Academic Challenge

=      Metalinguistic Analysis

=      Portability

=      Student Oral Language Development