English Learner Pathway to Proficiency
Acquiring English proficiency is a multi-year process and can take four to six years in ideal situations. The Progression of an EL represents each of the phases that students pass through on their journey to becoming fully English proficient. During each phase of the Pathway the School team monitors student academic and language proficiency and makes recommendations to the Culture, Equity, and Language Department. In this way, the School team plays an essential role in closing the opportunity gap and ensuring that EL students have equal access to rigorous, standards-based instruction and ELD.
English Learner Intake
As Sheridan goes to online registration, the district has developed processes for English Language Learners. This section describes the intake process for English Learners, including the WIDA Screener form and the Home Language Questionnaire and the responsibilities for school leaders, secretaries, ELD specialists/teachers, and Director of Culture, Equity, and Language.
English Learner Progress Monitoring
Sheridan will be progress monitoring in ELD courses 4 times a year at the end of each quarter. In grades K-4, teachers will track the EL Achieve Unit assessments. In grades 5-12, Tier A English Learners (ACCESS Levels 1.0-1.6) will be required to be progress monitored in both Speaking and Writing. Tier B/C English Learners (Higher than ACCESS Level 1.6) will be progress monitored in Writing. Speaking progress monitoring is optional for the Tier B/C Students
English Learner Redesignation
There are 5 ways ELs can prove proficiency in order to be redesignated and moved to monitored status. All five methods include both language proficiency as the trigger, as well as reading and writing content proficiency. LEP Students will be redesignated in May (after results of ACCESS have been received). A final decision on moving to monitoring may not be made until August after State assessment data is reported.
English Learner Monitoring
FEP Students will be progressed monitored two times a year; in January and in May for two years. A final decision on students’ status may not be made until August after State assessment data is reported. A monitoring form for each student who is being monitored will be sent to ELD teachers and ELL Administrators at the beginning of the year. This list will be shared with classroom teachers during school data team meetings.
Sheridan School District 2 EL Pathway to Proficiency Guidebook
Acquiring English proficiency is a multi-year process and can take four to six years in ideal situations. The progression of an EL represents each of the phases that students pass through on their journey to becoming fully English proficient. During each phase of the Pathway the School team monitors student academic and language proficiency and makes recommendations to the Culture, Equity & Language Department. In this way, the school team plays an essential role in closing the opportunity gap and ensuring that ELs have equal access to rigorous, standards-based instruction (Integrated Content Language Instruction) and Dedicated English Language Development.
Preparing for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online:
Speaking online is not a natural skill for our K-12 students, and keyboarding is a new skill for our younger learners. Our English Learners will need plenty of opportunities to respond to online Speaking and Writing tasks before taking ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 in order for them to be able to show their full speaking and writing abilities. It is strongly recommended that technology be integrated into both Dedicated English Language Development (ELD) instruction and Integrated Content and Language Development (ICLD) instruction strategically and consistently in order to prepare for this new testing platform.
Please see both the Preparing for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online document and WIDA’s Preparing for the WIDA ACCESS for ELs 2.0 Assessment.
If you are administering Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, please see the Alternate ACCESS Test Preparation and Administration page.
WIDA has created practice items for students to access on their website.