Sheridan School District 2
Special Education
Sheridan School District 2 is a small school district in an urban setting. The district offers a continuum of special education programs and services in order to meet the individual needs of our students ranging from preschool through age 21. The program supports all children with disabilities in meeting their learning potential in order to achieve their post-secondary goals.
Special education staff include special education teachers, school psychologist, school social workers, speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, early childhood special education teacher and other related service providers and support staff. Our staff members provide instruction and support for our students with disabilities through the IEP process.
is an IEP?
can request an evaluation?
Who are the Special Education Support team members in
Sheridan Schools?
How can parents learn more or get involved in Special
Education in Sheridan?.
Board Policies
JLCDC-R Authorizing Private Health Care Specialists to Provide Medically Necessary Treatment in School Setting